What is Self Efficacy Theory?

Cambridge Dictionary meaning of .self’ is ‘the set of someone’s characteristics, such as personality and ability, that are not physical and make that person different from other people.’

Meaning of ‘efficacy’ is the ability to achieve something or produce something. 

If we just put these two word together we can infer that ‘self efficacy‘ is the ability of someone to achieve something.

Albert Bandura proposed original self efficacy theory which is part of social cognitive theory.

Bandura (1997) defined, “Self efficacy refers to perceived capabilities of learning for performing actions at designated levels”

What effects self efficacy?

1. Actual performance– provide challenging task with the support necessary for them to succeed. Like giving training.
2. Vicarious experience–have students of observe others succeed- if your friend is loosing weight so you also think…
3. Form s of social persuasion–encourage students remind them of successes.
4. Physiological indexes/ arousal–minimize anxiety.

What are the sources of self efficacy? 

According to Bandura, there are four major sources of self-efficacy

  1. Mastery Experiences- Performing a task successfully strengthens our sense of self-efficacy and vice versa. 
  2. Social Modeling:- Witnessing other people successfully completing a task.
  3. Social Persuasion: People could be persuaded to believe that they can do it.
  4. Psychological Responses: – . Moods, emotional states, physical reactions, and stress levels will play a role.

What does self efficacy predict?

1. Motivation
2. Learning
3. Self regulation
4. Achievement

Points to be considered about self efficacy

  • High level of self efficacy cannot compensate for a lack of ability.
  • Having self efficacy higher than actual ability is ok and probably ideal because it leads to more positive outcome than lower self efficacy
  • Unreasonably high level of self efficacy can be problematic.

How self efficacy is different from self concept & self esteem?

1. Self Efficacy is Capability for learning for performing options as designated levels.
2. Self concept once perception of himself or herself including ability related perception and feeling about those ability later perceptions (Bang , skaalvik 2003). It is multidimensional and hierarchical physical, academic social self concept.
3. Self Esteem is an overall evaluation of self as a person of worth / personal value (Rosenberg 1979).

Limitations of self efficacy theory

It ignore Intelligence factor.

While assessing self efficacy it is totally missing personality of a person.

Reference of self efficacy theory

Aamodt, m.g. (2007). industrial and organizational psychology: an applied approach. us: thomson & wadsworth.



Dr. Balaji Niwlikar. (2021, February 9). What is Self Efficacy Theory?. Careershodh. https://www.careershodh.com/what-is-self-efficacy-theory/

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