What Is Positive Trait and 3 Important Factors That Influence It

Positive Traits

Positive traits are stable individual characteristics—like personality, emotions, beliefs, and self-concepts—that shape a person’s typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. They endure over time and influence a range of life experiences, often maintaining stability, especially as people age. These traits act as “top-down” influences, meaning they affect our interpretations, decisions, goals, and actions in ways that contribute to our overall well-being.

What Makes a Trait Positive?

Distinguishing positive traits involves evaluating them according to standards of well-being, though context and individual differences often make this complex-

  1. Subjective Well-Being (SWB)- Traits that increase happiness, promote positive emotions, reduce negative emotions, and enhance life satisfaction are typically deemed positive. This approach is widely used in well-being research.
  2. Eudaimonic Well-Being- Beyond happiness, positive traits are also those that improve emotional health, nurture social relationships, provide life purpose, and support effective coping. Traits like courage or assertiveness, though not always pleasant, contribute to personal growth and are thus valued.
  3. Physical Health Benefits- Some traits are positive due to their impact on physical health, such as enhancing longevity, reducing stress, aiding recovery from illness, or encouraging healthy practices.
  4. Moral Virtue- From a moral standpoint, certain traits (e.g., kindness, humility, integrity) are positive as they reflect cultural and ethical values of good character and virtuous behavior.
positive traits

Features of Positive Traits

Positive traits are those that support happiness, resilience, health, and ethical behavior, enriching both individual well-being and interpersonal relations.

The Interrelated General Standards to Assess Positive and Negative Trait

  • First, following the hedonic conception of well-being, subjective well-being (SWB) researchers examine whether a particular individual characteristic enhances or diminishes a person’s level of happiness. Given the three components of SWB, a positive quality may increase the experience of positive emotions, decrease negative emotions, or increase life satisfaction.
  • Second, the eudaimonic view of well-being provides a related, yet distinctive basis for evaluating positive qualities. Eudaimonic research and theory focus on emotional health, positive social relationships, finding meaning and purpose in life, and effective coping and adaptation. Positive qualities are those that enhance mental health, foster high-quality relations with others, and contribute to success in meeting life’s many challenges.
  • Third, many researchers have focused on the physical health advantages and disadvantages of various psychological traits. Physical health measures may include longevity. As in the Nun Study, level of risk for serious disease (e.g., heart disease), physical illness symptoms, speed of recovery from illness or medical treatment (e.g., surgery), levels of stress, and the effectiveness of an individual’s health-maintenance practices.

Certain human qualities appear to be universally regarded as positive, not because they make people happy or healthy. But because they represent morally virtuous behavior and strength of character, as defined by religion and culture. For example, the traits defining people of good character include modesty, humility, kindness, forgiveness, bravery, and integrity. These qualities are positively valued because they reflect people’s understanding of morality, good conduct, and good character.

3 Factors That Influence Positive Traits- Personality, Emotions, and Biology

Paul Meehl credited with advancing the study of positive emotions through his description of individual differences in people’s ability to experience pleasure. As a matter of fact he called this ability “hedonic capacity” and, more humorously, “cerebral joy-juice”.

Meehl proposed that hedonic capacity is a stable personality aspect that is largely genetic in origin. He also believed that hedonic capacity is strongly tied to the personality trait of extraversion. Being outgoing and sociable goes together with the experience of positive emotions.

Differences in people’s hedonic capacity include all possible combinations of emotional experiences. A person experience many positive emotions and many negative emotions, few of either, or more of one than the other.

Positive and Negative Affectivity

Research by Watson and his colleagues shows that positive and negative affect are two independent dimensions of people’s long-term emotional experience. However, the PANAS scale provide a simple measure of emotional experience.

Respondents rate the extent to which they experience a number of positive (e.g., proud, excited). And negative feelings such as distress, guilt. Separate scores are calculated for positive and negative emotions. Henceforth, the independence of positive and negative affect means that people can score high or low on either or both dimensions.

PANAS scores reflect trait differences in people’s characteristic emotional experience, referred to as positive affectivity and negative affectivity.

positive traits


People high in positive affectivity have frequent and intense experiences of pleasant, enjoyable moods. That are generally cheerful, enthusiastic, and confident about their lives. Whereas, people high in negative affectivity have more frequent emotional episodes involving feelings of anger, sadness, distress, guilt, and fear.

Support for positive and negative affectivity as enduring traits comes from studies showing long term stability and cross-situational consistency. However, positive and negative affectivity are very stable over periods ranging from a few weeks to 24 years.

High positive affectivity shows relatively small relationships to income, education, age, and gender. But it is heavily influenced by, and strongly predictive of satisfying relationships. Differences in people’s levels of happiness boils down to differences in positive and negative affectivity.

Genetics and Happiness

Estimates of heritability are based on studies that compare monozygotic (identical) twins, who have 100% common genes, to dizygotic (fraternal) twins, who share about 50% of their genes. We can see evidence of genetic influence, when the similarity of identical twins significantly exceeds that of fraternal twins. And when identical twins show strong similarities despite being raised in separate environments.

A biological basis for people’s characteristic emotional orientation receives further support from research showing that temperament differences emerge early in life. Temperament refers to a genetically-determined physiological disposition to respond to the environment in a stable and typical manner.

Even in the first few weeks of life, infants show temperament differences in activity level, mood, responsiveness, and how readily they can be soothed and comforted by parents. Some infants are irritable, cranky, quick to become upset, and quick to cry in response to new situations and environmental changes. Others are calm, placid, and approach (rather than avoid) new things in the environment.

Jerome Kagan found that about 20% of infants fell into one of two extreme temperament types called “reactive” and “non-reactive”. Highly reactive infants are easily upset by anything new in their environment. Non-reactive children are more laid back and comfortable with new situations and environmental changes. They are more outgoing, curious, and eager to explore the world and the people in it.

positive traits

Relationship between biological variables and temperament (Kagan, 2022)

Personality and Happiness

Meehl’s prediction about the relationship of positive affectivity to the personality trait of extraversion has been borne out by subsequent research. Studies also find a strong tie between negative affectivity and neuroticism. In addition, extraversion and neuroticism are two factors in the Big Five Theory, or five factor model of personality.


Big 5 Theory of Personality


Read More- Big five theory of personality.


Over the last three decades, personality researchers have accumulated an impressive amount of evidence. That says five relatively independent factors describe the essential features of individual personality. The five factors are also very stable across a person’s lifetime and validated in cultures around the world. However, each of the five global traits (extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) is made up of more specific, subordinate traits.



Positive Psychology. Baumgardner and Crothers. 2015. Pearson India Education.

Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Flourishing. William C. Compton , Edward L. Hoffman. 

Kagan, J. (2002). Childhood predictors of states of anxiety. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience4(3), 287-293.

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APA Citiation for refering this article:

Niwlikar, B. A. (2022, May 16). What Is Positive Trait and 3 Important Factors That Influence It. Careershodh. https://www.careershodh.com/what-is-positive-trait/

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