To understand motivational conflicts, we need to understand what is conflict? the word ‘Conflict‘ derived from a Latin word ‘confligere’ which means ‘strike two things at the same time’. In a simple definition, Conflict is a perceived incapability of actions, goals & ideas. Colman defined ‘A conflict is the anticipated frustration entailed in the choice of either alternative’.
Motivational Conflicts can occur at three levels-
- Emotional Conflict– love, hate, Happy , surprise, fear, stress, etc
- Between Two positive emotions
- Between One Positive Emotion and One Negative Emotion
- Between Two Negative emotions
- Cognition Conflict – Between two thoughts
- Behavioral Conflict – Between two actions
Types of Motivational Conflicts
1. Intra-Conflicts or Intrapersonal Conflicts or Goal conflicts –
Kurt Lewin, ‘founder of social psychology’ (1935) identified three patterns of conflict:
- Approach-Approach Conflict– It will occur when individual forced to choose between two appealing outcomes. For example two attractive job offers.
- Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict– It will occur when individual forced to choose between two different undesirable outcomes. For example, doing a hectic job or being unemployed.
- Approach-Avoidance Conflict- It will occur when there is only one goal which will have both appealing and unappealing outcome simultaneously. for example a job with attractive salary with life risk.
- Double/ Multiple Avoidance-Approach Conflicts- It has added later. A complex conflict situation arising when a person is confronted with two goals or options that each have significant attractive and unattractive features.
2. Inter-Conflicts or Interpersonal Conflicts
1.Between two individuals.
2.This can be resolved through some strategies such as avoiding, smoothing, forcing, confronting and compromising.
3. Assertive behavior and I am ok, you are ok interpersonal orientation help to resolve such conflicts easily.
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Niwlikar, B. A. (2021, May 6). What are lewin’s Motivational Conflicts?. Careershodh.