Notes for THEORIES OF PERSONALITY as per SPPU, Psychology Syllabus SYBA (CBCS Pattern) From AY 2020-21
DSE- 2B: Theories of Personality
Unit-I: Introduction to Personality (12)
1- Nature and Definitions
2- Misconceptions, Determinants of personality
3- Idiographic and nomothetic approach
4- Classification of personality theories
Unit-II: Psychodynamic perspectives (11)
1- Introduction to Psychodynamic perspective
2- Freud’s classical psychodynamic theory
3- Jung’s Analytical Psychology
4- Adler’s individual psychology
Unit-III: Behavioral perspectives (11)
1- Pavlov’s classical conditioning
2- Skinners operant conditioning
3- Bandura’s social cognitive theory
4- Dollard and Millers stimulus- response theory
UNIT-IV: Trait & Motivation, Emotion perspectives (11)
1- Allports traits theory, Cattells factor theory
2- Eysenck , Costa &McCrae theory
3- Carl Rogers person centered theory
4- Motivation and Emotion perspectives
● Murrays Need theory
● Lazarus cognitive mediation theory
Reference Books
Hall, C.S., Lindzey, G., & Campbell, J.B. (2007). Theories of Personality. 4th Edn. Wiley: India.
Hall, C.S., Lindzey, G. & Campbell, J. B. (1998). Theories of Personality. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Frager, R. & Fadiman, J. (2007). Personality and personal growth. 6th Edn. Pearson Prentice Hall, India.
McCrae, R.R. & Allik, J. (eds) (2002). Five-factor model across cultures. Dordrecht: Netherlands: Kluver.
Mischel, W.; Shoda, Y.; & Smith, R. E. (2004). Introduction to personality. John Wiley & Sons.
Pervin, L.A. (1996). The science of personality. NY: John Wiley & Co.
Schultz, D.P & Schultz, E.S. (2005). Theories of personality. Delhi: Thomson Wadsworth.
Weiten, W. and Lloyd, M. Indian Edition 8th (2007). Psychology applied to modern life: Adjustment in the 21st century. Thomson
Dr. Balaji Niwlikar. (2024, January 20). Theories of Personality Notes. Careershodh.