11) Albert Bandura: Bobo Doll Experiment

The 1960s was another decade marking massive progress in the field of psychological study, ranging from developmental studies such as Bandura’s study of social learning, or Gibson and Walk’s Visual Read More …

12) Jean Piaget: Theory of Stages of Cognitive Development

While the behaviourist school of psychologists was busy in the US with Conditioning and examining the different types and processes of learning by testing animals in the 1930s, Jean Piaget Read More …

13) Harry Harlow: Dependency in Monkeys

Alongside the boom in social psychology experimentation, Harry Harlow, working at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with rhesus monkeys as subjects, studied various phenomena occurring at infant stages in these animals. Read More …

15) Mary Ainsworth: Strange Situation Experiment

With Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation experiment, we enter a new decade in psychological studies, the 1970s. By this time, psychology had grown a lot over the last eight decades since Read More …

16) Walter Mischel: The Marshmallow Test

Along with Ainsworth’s study of strange situations, Walter Mischel devised a test, now a classic, to study and understand self-control in toddlers and infants, called the Marshmallow Test. It paved Read More …