Dissociative Identity Disorders.
People with dissociative identity disorders (DID) may adopt as many as 100 new identities, all simultaneously coexisting, although the average number is closer to 15. In some cases, the identities
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People with dissociative identity disorders (DID) may adopt as many as 100 new identities, all simultaneously coexisting, although the average number is closer to 15. In some cases, the identities
The term conversion has been used off and on since the Middle Ages (Mace, 1992) but was popularized by Freud, who believed the anxiety resulting from unconscious conflicts somehow was
Illness anxiety disorder was formerly known as “hypochondriasis,” which is still the term widely used among the public. In illness anxiety disorder, physical symptoms are either not experienced at the
A few individuals, the preoccupation with their health or appearance becomes so great that it dominates their lives. Their problems fall under the general heading of somatic symptoms disorder. Soma
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It is natural to feel afraid during and after a
Did you ever wish you could change part of your appearance? Maybe the size of your nose or the way your ears stick out? Most people fantasize about improving something,
A phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear of a certain object, situation, or activity.A much smaller number of people, who suffer severely around others, have social anxiety disorder (SAD),
Panic disorders (PD), in which individuals experience severe, unexpected panic attacks. They may think they’re dying or otherwise losing control. In many cases but not all, PD is accompanied by
Abnormality. APA defines Abnormality as the state or condition of being abnormal. Abnormal behavior is a psychological dysfunction within an individual that is associated with distress or impairment in functioning
Sigmund Freud a Physician by profession, Freud was the major contributor of psychoanalytic theory of personality. He developed his theory while doing clinical practice with patients. “Unconscious mental processes” is
Scope of psychology is increasing day by day, Therefore new fields of psychology / branches of psychology are emerging. Now a days there are more than 50 fields of psychology