SPPU Ph.D. Entrance Examination (PET) 2022 Notification
Online Applications are invited by the Savitribai Phule Pune University from eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. programme in the University Departments & Recognized Research Centres.

SPPU Ph.D. Entrance Examination (PET)
Candidate shall be admitted to Ph.D. programme by a two stage process through: –
a) Entrance Examination, which shall be a qualifying test. The Entrance Examination will be of 100 marks with multiple choice type questions.
b) Personal Interview of candidates qualifying in Entrance Test/ Candidates exempted from Entrance Examination, to be conducted as per procedure prescribed in due course”
SPPU Ph.D. Entrance Examination (PET) 2022 Entrance Test Paper consists of 2 Parts
a) Research Methodology : 50 Marks
b) Subject Specific : 50 Marks
Total : 100 Marks
Total Questions : 100
All questions shall be with multiple choices, each correct answer carries I Mark. No negative marking system.
1. SPPU Ph.D. Entrance Examination (PET) 2022 Schedule
a) Date of online Ph.D. Entrance Examination :06th November 2022
b) Commencement of filling online applications :15th September 2022
c) Last date of filling online applications : 30th September 2022
d) Tentative date of display of result on the University website : 10th November 2022
o No separate certificate of result will be issued by the University.
o The Entrance Examination for Ph. D. programme will be conducted through centre base online mode.
o Duration & Timing of Entrance Exam : 2 Hours, after logging in between 10.00 am to 04.00 pm
o Standard of passing : General Category : 50% marks and Reserved Category : 45% marks
2. SPPU Ph.D. Entrance Examination (PET) 2022 Eligibility for admission:
a) Candidates having a Master’s degree or a professional degree declared equivalent to the Master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade ‘B’ in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) or an equivalent degree from a foreign educational institution accredited by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an Authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of assessing, accrediting or assuring quality and standards of educational institutions.
b) A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, shall be allowed for those belonging to reserved categories/Differently-Abled and other categories of candidates as per policies of the Government of Maharashtra prescribed from time to time, or for those who had obtained their Master’s degree prior to 19th September, 1991. The eligibility marks of 55% (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5Yo to the categories mentioned above are permissible based only on the qualifying marks without including the grace mark procedures.
c) Candidates who have cleared the M.Phil. course work with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade ‘B’ in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and successfully completing the M.Phil. Degree shall be eligible to proceed to do research work leading to the Ph. D. Degree in the same institution in an integrated programme. A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, shall be allowed for those belonging to reserved categories Differently Abled and other categories of candidates as per policies of the Government of Maharashtra prescribed from time to time.
d) M. Phil. students of SPPU whose M.Phil. dissertation has been evaluated and the viva voce is pending may be admitted to the Ph.D. programme.
e) Candidates possessing a Degree considered equivalent to M.Phil. Degree of an Indian institution, from a foreign educational institution accredited by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of assessing, accrediting or assuring quality and standards of
educational institutions.
f) Candidates with M.D./ MS. qualification will be considered eligible to Ph.D. programme in the subject equivalent to medical science under the faculty of Science & Technology’
3. SPPU PET 2022 Exemption from appearing in Entrance Examination:
The Candidates fulfilling at least one of the following conditions will be exempted from Entrance Examination:
i. Candidates qualified in UGC-NET (Including JRF UGC-CSIR NET (Including JRFSLET/SET/GATE (valid score/GPAT(valid score), CSIR / ICAR / ICMR / DBT & DST Inspire fellowship / Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Science (JGEEBILS) or Teacher fellowship holders will be exempted from the Entrance Test.
ii. Candidates who have passed M. Phil. Programme will be exempted from the Entrance Test for Fh.D. programme.
iii. Candidates who have qualified in PET 2021 will be exempted from Entrance test for Ph.D. Programme from this test only.
4. SPPU PET 2022 FEES :
1. For Appearing in PET Entrance Examination :
For General Category : – Rs. 1000/-
For Reservation Category- Rs. 750/-
2. Exempted from appearing Entrance Examination :
For General Category – Rs. 800/- as per Notification clause – 3 ( i, ii & iii ) :
Mode of payment:- Payment made through online only i.e. using Debit/Credit Card/ Net Banking.
# Application is available online on the website: www.unipune.ac.in http://bcud.unipune.ac.in/phd_entrance/applicant/login.aspx
#Before filling the online application, please check the vacant positions for admission displayed on University website.
#Required documents : Candidate shall upload following documents along with Online Application:
a) Photo copy of Marks Statement of Master’s Degree. (if not acquired, Marksheet should be submitted at the time of personal interview).
b) Photo copy of the Caste Certificate in case of Reserved Category Candidates (if applicable).
c) Photo copy of the Non – Creamy Layer Certificate in case of Reserved Category Candidates (if appticable).
d) Photo copy of the Medical Certificate issued by Civil Surgeon in case of Persons with Disabilities (P. H.) candidates (if applicable).
Documents required for exemption candidate:
Photo copy of certificates in case of candidates exempted as per University Notification clause-3(i,ii&iii).
i. Photo copy of qualified certificate in UGC-NET (Including JRF)/ UGC-CSIR NET (Including JRF SLET/SET/ GATE (valid score)/GPAT(valid score), CSIR / ICAR / ICMR / DBT & DST Inspire fellowship / Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology, ZEST and Interdisciplinary Life Science (JGEEBILS) or Teacher fellowship holders Certificate.
ii. Photo copy of M.Phil. Degree Certificate of SPPU.
SPPU PET 2022 General Instructions:
-> Candidates who are in the final year of the qualifying examination of the course, are allowed to apply for the PET. However, the admission of such candidates is subject to their passing of the qualifying examination.
-> In case of any grievance or disputes, the decision of the University shall be final and binding on all.
-> Admission to any program does not guarantee Hostel facility or any kind of financial support in any form like Scholarship, fellowship, Earn & Learn etc. The University has independent procedure for offering such benefits.
-> It is the responsibility of the applicant to fulfil the eligibility conditions and comply with the admission requirements. If at any stage it is noticed that a false claim has been made by the candidate or important material facts have been concealed and / or the candidate is not eligible, his candidature shall be liable for cancellation at any stage.
-> Candidates are NOT required to submit printout of application or any documents to the University after online submission of application. However, these documents are to be submitted at the time of personal interview at the selected research centre.
->Incomplete applications/applications without uploading required documents/ applications submitted after the due date will be rejected without assigning any reason and no correspondence will be entertained by the University in this regard.
-> No request for change in any information submitted in the online form will be entertained by the University (Mobile, email, centre etc.).
-> The Entrance Examination will be conducted in English language for all faculties, except for subject Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit, Pali, French and German etc.
-> Changes in reservation due to policy decisions of government from time to time may occur.
->Candidates from reserved category other than Maharashtra are treated as Open.
->Admission is provisional subject to condition on fulfilling eligibility criteria and R.R. Committee approval.
->Eligibility criteria – In case of more clarity regarding eligibility of a particular subject, students have to confirm it from the selected Research Centre.
-> Student are advised to visit website frequently for details.
-<> Vacancy positions for Ph.D. 2022 may likely to be changed.
-> Students admissions are depend on availability of Research Centre and Research Guide.
-> Admission will be confirmed after verification of original documents by the Research Centres concerned.
Online registration process will be treated as completed only after the required certificates and application are uploaded on http://bcud.unipune.ac.in/phd_entrance/applicantflogin.aspx on or before 30th September 2022.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
SPPU Ph.D. Entrance Examination (PET) 2022 List of subject and Vacancy
Sr. No. Faculty Ph.D. Subject wise Vacancy
1 Science & Technology Architecture 1.1
2 Science & Technology Atmospheric and Space Sciences 193
3 Science & Technology Biochemistry 2
4 Science & Technology Bioinformatics 5
5 Science & Technology Biotechnology 62
6 Science & Technology Botany 159
7 Science & Technology Chemical and Biotechnology t
8 Science & Technology Chemical Engineering 18
9 Science & Technology Chemistry 205
10 Science & Technology Civil Engineering 53
1.1. Science & Technology Computer Engineering 52
1.2 Science & Technology Computer Science 13
13 Science & Technology Electrical Engineering 23
t4 Science & Technology Electronic Science 1B
15 Science & Technology Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 216
1,6 Science & Technology Environmental Science 23
t7 Science & Technology Geography 152
18 Science & Technology Geology 4
19 Science & Technology Health Science 10
20 Science & Technology lnstrumentation Engineering 12
2t Science & Technology lnstrumentation Science 3
22 Science & Technology Mathematics 17
23 Science & Technology Mechanical Engineering 160
24 Microbiology 60
25 Science & Technology Pharmaceutical Chemistry L45
26 Science & Technology Pharmaceutics 105
27 Science & Technology Pharmacognosy 53
28 Science & Technology Pharmacology 46
29 Science & Technology Physics 75
30 Science & Technology Production and lndustrial Engineering 7
31, Science & Technology Zoology 93
32 lnter-disciplinarY Studies Adult Education 5
33 lnter-disciplinary Studies Communication And Journalism 4
34 lnter-disciplina ry Studies Ed ucatio n 48
35 I nter-disciplina ry Studies Library and lnformation Science t
36 lnter-disciplinary Studies Music 4
37 I nter-disciplinary Studies Physical Education 12
38 lnter-disciplinary Studies SocialWork 5
Sr.No. Faculty Ph.D. Subject Vacancy
39 Commerce & Management Accountancy and Auditing t7
40 Commerce & Management Banking and Finance \1,
41 Commerce & Management Business Administration 59
42 Commerce & Management Business Economics 29
43 Commerce & Management Business Law and Taxation 9
44 Commerce & Management Business Practices 15
45 Commerce & Management Co-operation and Rural Development t
46 Commerce & Management Computer Management 61
47 Commerce & Management Cost and Works Accounting 6
48 Commerce & Management Financial Management 79
49 Commerce & Management Hotel Management 15
50 Commerce & Management Human Resource Management 54
51 Commerce & Management Marketing 15
52 Commerce & Management Marketing Management 100
s3 Commerce & Management Organizational Management 74
54 Commerce & Management Production Management 7
55 Commerce & Management Statistics and Computer Applications 3
56 Humanities Buddhist Literature 1,
57 Humanities Economics 87
58 Humanities English 123
59 Humanities Hindi 96
60 Humanities History 41.
61, Humanities Law 52
62 Humanities Marathi 60
63 Humanities Pali 2
64 Humanities Philosophy 1.6
65 Humanities Politics 26
66 Humanities Psychology 41.
67 Humanities Sanskrit and Prakrit 1.
68 Humanities Sociology 10
69 Humanities Urdu 1.
TotalVacancies 3787
* Vacancy Positions for Ph.D. 2022 may likely to be changed.
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Niwlikar, B. A. (2022, September 17). SPPU Ph.D. Entrance Examination (PET) 2022 Notification!. Careershodh. https://www.careershodh.com/sppu-ph-d-entrance-examination-pet-2022-notification/