Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence

What is Intelligence? The word intelligence derives from the Latin word intelligere which means to comprehend or to perceive. It is the most basic meaning. In this article we will particularly focus on Gardner’s Theory Read More …

What is Attention? It’s Definitions, History, Process, Types, etc

May I have your Attention please!!! A large number of stimuli hit upon our sense organs simultaneously, but we do not notice all of them at the same time. Only Read More …

Research Methods to study Cognitive Psychology

Following are the best Methods to study cognitive psychology. Naturalistic Observation Introspection or Self Report Experiments or Laboratory/ Controlled Observation Quasi-Experiments Neuropsychological tools Let’s see Methods to study cognitive psychology Read More …

What is Sensation & its simple types as per psychophysics?

We all have sensed so many things in our daily life like cold, hot, bright, painful, exciting, etc. What do we use our senses for; for example nose for smell, Read More …