Health Promoting Behaviors

Health promoting behaviors, including exercise, accident prevention, cancer prevention, healthy diet, and sleep. Each of these important  behaviors has been related to at least one major cause of illness and Read More …

Sources of Stress – Individual, Family, Society and Environment

What is Stress? Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension.  Lazarus and Launier (1978), regarded stress as a transaction between people and the environment. They described stress in terms Read More …

Quality of life and Health Behaviors.

Quality of Life and Health Behavior The World Health Organization (WHO) defines quality of life as ‘a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person’s physical health, Read More …

Health Compromising Behaviors – Obesity, Smoking & Drinking.

Health-compromising behaviors are the behaviors practiced by people that undermine or harm their current or future health. It refers as the use of cigarettes, alcohol, and illicit drugs. The effect of Read More …

What is Quality of life (QoL)? It’s Definitions, Components, Importance, etc

Definition of  Quality of Life(QoL)  The World Health Organization (WHO) defines quality of life as ‘a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person’s physical health, psychological Read More …

Community Mental Health in India

Definition of Health World Health Organization (WHO) – ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity’. Definition of Read More …

What is Biopsychosocial Model of Health?

Before we understand Biopsychosocial Model of Health, we need to understand The Biomedical Model. The Biomedical Model reduces illness to low-level processes such as disordered cells and chemical imbalances, Fails Read More …

What are essential Coping Behaviours?

What is Coping? According  to APA dictionary, Coping is the use of cognitive and behavioral strategies to manage the demands of a situation when these are appraised as taxing or Read More …

What is Stress? its definitions, nature & types

Introduction of Stress Some 75 per cent of diseases are said to be stress related. For e.g., heart disease, hypertension, gastric ulcers, migraine, ulcerative colitis etc. People are spending lots Read More …