Levels of Social Behavior – Individual, Interpersonal and Group

Introduction Social Psychology is an important branch of psychology which studies human interaction, its manifestations, causes, consequences and the various psychological processes involved in it. In fact, it studies cognition Read More …

What is Interpersonal Attraction and its factors?

Introduction Human beings are defined as social animal. The term ‘animal’ has been used because of the biological processes associated with us. But the term ‘social’ has a lot to Read More …

What is Pro-social Behavior ? Its Meaning, Causes, Benefits

During the recent flood in Kerala, you might have noticed various groups of people visiting door to door to collect relief materials. Such as food, clothes, medicines, etc. from various Read More …

Fascinating Theory of Intelligence by Cattell – Fluid & Crystallized

What is Intelligence? The word intelligence derives from the Latin word intelligere which means to comprehend or to perceive. It is the most basic meaning. In this article we will particularly focus on Fluid and Read More …

Popular Theory of the 6 Basic Emotions by Paul Ekman

The word emotion is derived from the Latin word ‘mot’ which means ‘to move’. In this article we will go through the 6 Basic Emotions by Paul Ekman. Emotions are Read More …

Maslow’s 5 Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation

Abraham Maslow is well known for Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation. The theory includes basic 5 levels of needs. Non-fulfillment of these needs motivates a being to take action Read More …

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence

What is Intelligence? The word intelligence derives from the Latin word intelligere which means to comprehend or to perceive. It is the most basic meaning. In this article we will particularly focus on Gardner’s Theory Read More …

Transactional Analysis – Meaning, Ego states, Functions

Introduction to Transactional Analysis Transactional Analysis, TA given by Eric Berne, is a psychological tool. It enables us to understand the structure or the elements that constitute our personality. The Read More …

Cattell’s 16 Personality Factor Theory

Raymond Cattell was a British-American psychologist, known for his psychometric research. It was based on intrapersonal psychological structure. Consequently he put forth ‘Cattell’s 16 Personality Factor Theory’. In addition, his Read More …

Freud’s Psychoanalytical Theory of Personality

Sigmund Freud a Physician by profession, Freud was the major contributor of psychoanalytic theory of personality. He developed his theory while doing clinical practice with patients. “Unconscious mental processes” is Read More …

3 Main Categories of Allport’s Theory of Personality

Gordon Willard Allport was an American psychologist who focused on the study of ‘Personality’. He is also known for being one of the founders of ‘Personality Psychology’. Gordon Allport’s Theory Read More …