Social Psychology

Social Psychology Notes 

Psychology of SPPU Pune

(Choice Based Credit System) 70:30-Pattern
(70-Semester-End Exam & 30-Internal Evaluation)

DSC-PSY- 1B : Introduction to Social Psychology

Course objectives and learning outcomes:

After the completion of this course students will be able to demonstrate the following competencies:
a) Understand the basics of social psychology.
b) Understand the nature of self, concept of attitude and prejudice of the individual.
c) Assess the interactional processes, love and aggression in our day today life. .
c) Understand group dynamics and individual in the social world.

Unit 1: Introduction: (Total 12 Lectures)

1.1 Definition, Brief history of social psychology (special emphasis on India),
1.2 Scope of social psychology
1.3 Levels of social behavior
1.4 Approaches towards understanding social behavior
1.5 Application: Community mental health


Unit- 2.Individual Level Processes (Total 12 Lectures)

2.1 Difference between Social Cognition & Social Perception.
2.2 Self –Concept: Nature, Self-regulation and self-presentation.
2.3 Attitude: Definition, components, Dimensions and formation of attitude
2.4 Prejudice: Causes.
2.5 Application: Formation of attitude and Prejudice eradication

Unit 3: Interpersonal processes: (Total 12 Lectures)

3.1 Interpersonal Attraction, Love
3.2 Pro-social Behavior
3.3 Locus of control, Increasing our helping nature.
3.4 Aggression: Meaning, Nature and Causes of Aggression
3.5 Application: Prevention and reducing aggression

Unit- 4.Group Dynamics (Total 12 Lectures)

4.1 Groups: When we join and when we leave, The benefits of joining
4.2 Cooperation and Conflict
4.3 Conformity; Factors affecting Conformity, Obedience & Authority
4.4 Group Decision Making
4.5 Application: Team Building

Books for Reference

1. Baron, R. A., Branscombe, N. R., & Byrne, D. Bhardwaj, Gopa. (2008). Social Psychology. (12th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education, Indian subcontinent adaptation 2009
2. Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2007). Social Psychology. (6th edi.), New Jersey: Pearson Education prentice Hall
3. Baumeister, R. F., & Bushman, B. J. (2008). Social Psychology and Human Nature. International student edition, Thomson Wadsworth USA
4. Myers, D. G. (2006). Social Psychology. (8th edi.), Tata McCraw- Hill Publication.


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Niwlikar, B. A. (2020, January 20). Social Psychology. Careershodh.