Foundations of Psychology

F.Y.B.A. Psychology syllabus for SPPU (2019 pattern)
Wadia College FYBA Psychology Major
Course DSC-PSY- 1A:

Foundations of Psychology

Course objectives and learning outcomes:
After the completion of this course students will be able to demonstrate the following competencies:

a) Understand the basic psychological processes and their applications in day to day life.
b) Develop the ability to evaluate cognitive processes, learning and memory of an individual.
c) Understand the importance of motivation and emotion of the individual.
d) Understand the personality and intelligence of the individuals by developing their psychological processes and abstract potentials.

Unit 1: Psychology -Introduction: 

1.1 Psychology : a Science, goals of psychology
1.2 The brief history & perspective of Psychology: (Structuralism, Functionalism, Gestalt, Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism)
1.3 Career Avenues in Psychology & Fields of Psychology: (Clinical, Industrial & Organizational, Educational, Social, Developmental, Health, Criminal & Forensic, Military, Sports, Neuropsychology, Environmental, Positive, Spiritual and Women & Child psychology.)
1.4 The Indian Psychology: Past and present
1.5 Application: Understanding Behaviour through Methods in Psychology

Unit 2: Cognitive processes: 

2.1 Sensation, Attention and Perception, nature of perception, laws of perceptual organization
2.2 Learning- Classical and Operant conditioning, observational learning
2.3 Memory-processes, information processing model(s)
2.4 Forgetting: Theories of forgetting
2.5 Application: Techniques for improving memory.

Unit 3: Motivation and Emotion: 

3.1 Motivation: Definition, Concept of Homeostasis & Maslow’s Hierarchy of Motivation
3.2 Types of Motivation: Physiological, Psychological & Social
3.3 Motivational Conflicts: Intra-Conflicts & Inter-Conflicts
3.4 Emotion: Definitions, Nature & Importance, Basic Emotions (Joy, Excitement, Tenderness, Sadness, Anger, Fear & Love)
3.5 Application: Conflict Resolving Skills

Unit 4: Personality and Intelligence:

4.1 Personality – Definitions, Nature
4.2 Personality as a set of traits: Cattell’s, Allport’s & Big Five Theory of Personality
4.3 Freud’s Psychoanalytical Theory of Personality and Transactional Analysis
4.4 Intelligence: Definitions, Theories of Intelligence (Gardner’s Theory, Cattell’s Theory of Intelligence)
4.5 Applications: Testing and enhancing Emotional intelligence.

References for Psychology :

Only buy any one of these books as reference for Foundations of Psychology, if you are interested in pursuing career in psychology. Otherwise will do perfectly fine job.

1. Ciccarelli, S. K.; White J. N. Adapted by Girishwar Misra (2018). Psychology (5th Edition). Pearson.
2. Chadha, N.K. & Seth, S. (2014). The Psychological Realm: An Introduction. Pinnacle Learning, New Delhi.
3. Carole, W. and Carol, T. (2007). Psychology (7th Edition). Pearson Education, India.
4. Feldman S. R.(2009). Essentials of understanding psychology ( 7th Ed.) New Delhi : Tata Mc Graw Hill.


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APA Citiation for refering this article:

Niwlikar, B. A. (2020, November 9). Foundations of Psychology. Careershodh.