Notes for BASIC COUNSELING SKILLS as per SPPU, Psychology Syllabus SYBA (CBCS Pattern) From AY 2020-21
- The University Grants Commission has made it compulsory for students to earn two credits from a Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) in each semester second year onwards.
- It is mandatory for the student to complete one Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) in each semester from Semester III to Semester VI.
- Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) will have two (2) credits only.
UNIT-I : Introduction of counselling
1.1 Counselling process: counselors and helpers
1.2 What are basic counselling skills?
1.3 Helping relationship and helping process
UNIT-II: Counselling skills
2.1 Starting, structuring and summarizing
2.2 Facilitating problem solving
2.3 Improving clients feedback
UNIT-III: Considerations in counseling
3.1 Ethical issues and dilemmas
3.2 Multicultural and Gender aware helping (counselling men / counselling women)
3.3 Getting support and being supervised
- Richard Nelson-Jones (2012). Basic counseling skills: A helper’s manual (3rd edition). Sage
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APA Citiation for refering this article:
Niwlikar, B. A. (2022, July 5). Basic Counseling Skills – SEC-2B. Careershodh.