Basic Counseling Skills – SEC-2B

Notes for BASIC COUNSELING SKILLS as per SPPU, Psychology Syllabus SYBA (CBCS Pattern) From AY 2020-21


  1. The University Grants Commission has made it compulsory for students to earn two credits from a Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) in each semester second year onwards.
  1. It is mandatory for the student to complete one Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) in each semester from Semester III to Semester VI.
  1. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) will have two (2) credits only.


UNIT-I : Introduction of counselling

1.1 Counselling process: counselors and helpers
1.2 What are basic counselling skills?
1.3 Helping relationship and helping process

UNIT-II: Counselling skills

2.1 Starting, structuring and summarizing
2.2 Facilitating problem solving
2.3 Improving clients feedback

UNIT-III: Considerations in counseling

3.1 Ethical issues and dilemmas
3.2 Multicultural and Gender aware helping (counselling men / counselling women)
3.3 Getting support and being supervised


  • Richard Nelson-Jones (2012). Basic counseling skills: A helper’s manual (3rd edition). Sage

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APA Citiation for refering this article:

Niwlikar, B. A. (2022, July 5). Basic Counseling Skills – SEC-2B. Careershodh.