The Mooney Problem Checklist (MPCL) is a psychological assessment tool used to identify areas of concern or problems in adolescents and young adults. It was developed by Ross L. Mooney and Leonard V. Gordon in 1950 and has been widely used in educational, clinical, and research settings.
Based on Logical-content strategy- Uses reason and deductive logic in the development of personality measures. It tries to logically deduce the type of content that should measure the characteristic to be assessed.
- The Mooney contains a list of problems that recurred
- in clinical case history data and in the written statements of problems submitted by approximately 4000 high-school students.
- It resembles the Woodworth in items are considered to have difficulties.
- The main interpretive procedure is to assume the face validity of a test response.
- Thus, if a subject checks an item related to finances, then testers assume that the person is having financial difficulties.
Description of Mooney Problem Checklist
The MPCL consists of 300 items divided into 11 areas of concern:
- Health and Physical Development: Includes items related to physical health, appearance, and energy levels.
- Finances, Living Conditions, and Employment: Includes items related to money, housing, job satisfaction, and future plans.
- Social and Recreational Activities: Includes items related to friendships, dating, leisure activities, and social adjustment.
- Sex and Marriage: Includes items related to sexual attitudes, relationships, and family planning.
- Socio-Psychological Relations: Includes items related to interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, and social anxiety.
- Personal-Psychological Relations: Includes items related to personal adjustment, emotional well-being, and stress.
- Moral and Religious: Includes items related to religious beliefs, values, and ethical concerns.
- Home and Family: Includes items related to relationships with family members, family conflicts, and home life.
- Future-Vocational and Educational: Includes items related to career goals, educational plans, and future aspirations.
- Adjustment to School Work: Includes items related to academic performance, study habits, and relationships with teachers and classmates.
- Curriculum and Teaching Procedures: Includes items related to the school environment, teaching methods, and classroom management.
Respondents are asked to read each item and indicate whether it is a “problem” or “no problem” for them. The number of problems endorsed in each area is tallied, and the scores are interpreted to identify areas of concern and potential problems.
Uses of Mooney Problem Checklist
The MPCL is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, including:
- Identifying and understanding individual problems: The MPCL can help individuals identify and understand their own problems and challenges, which can be the first step towards finding solutions.
- Providing guidance and support: Counselors, teachers, and other professionals can use the MPCL to identify areas where students may need additional support or intervention.
- Research: The MPCL can be used in research studies to investigate the prevalence and correlates of adolescent and young adult problems.
It is important to note that the MPCL is a self-report measure, which means that it relies on individuals’ self-awareness and honesty. Additionally, the MPCL may not be equally valid for all individuals, as some may be more likely to underreport or overreport problems.
Overall, the Mooney Problem Checklist is a valuable tool for understanding the problems and challenges faced by adolescents and young adults. It can be a helpful resource for individuals, counselors, and researchers.
Mooney, R. L., & Gordon, L. V. (1950). The Mooney Problem Checklist for High School Students. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Dr. Balaji Niwlikar. (2019, April 26). Mooney Problem Checklist. Careershodh.